Function of air compressor head cleaning
空压机使用时间长了,内部会有油垢,积碳,沉淀物,锈迹。另外用过不同品牌机油的空压机,还会有类似沥青的黑胶物。因此需要定期使用清洗剂,把钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具机头,油漆桶,散热器,油管内部清洗一番。从而消除安全隐患。
If the air compressor is used for a long time, there will be oil dirt, carbon deposit, sediment and rust inside. In addition, air compressors that have used different brands of engine oil will also have black glue similar to asphalt. Therefore, it is necessary to use cleaning agent regularly to clean the inside of the machine head, paint bucket, radiator and oil pipe. So as to eliminate potential safety hazards.